Site Promote

Equally as important to having a well designed, attractive web site is promoting it. The promotion process of your site begins before you put the first word of content on paper. Quality Programming will not just design, but search engine design your site to greatly improve the ranking your pages receive when your keywords are typed in at the major search engines and directories.

All QP-built sites come search engine ready with SitePromote I - a thorough keyword preparation of your web site and submission to the top eight search engines and Yahoo. The next step is SitePromote II, a three month follow-up to SitePromote I, in which we analyze how visitors have been coming to your site and tune your site based on actual keywords used. Quality Programming also provides search engine tune-ups for existing web sites.

The Quality Programming Resource Center lists the site promotion services which we recommend for listing your site on the hundreds of other directories and search engines. Plus, we you'll find additional resources for attracting visitors to your web site.

Getting Started

Effective promotion means knowing which keywords will bring visitors to your site. Don't try to come up with the words by yourself. You will be surprised when you review your referrer reports after a few good weeks of traffic and see how people actually come to your site! A good exercise is to try to find your competition in the various search engines by typing in your keywords. Once you've come up with between 5 and 10 keywords, choose one of the services below. For more information on search engines, be sure to visit Search Engine Watch, a site dedicated to search engine information and mechanics.

Site Promote 1

Analysis and preparation of your web site for search engine and directory submission. We create a list of keywords based on our objective review of the site. Next, we compare our keyword list with yours to come up with a keyword top 10. Quality Programming will create three site descriptions - one for Yahoo and one each for the <TITLE> and <META> tags embedded in the HTML source code of your web site. We then create additional <META> tags for an extended keyword listing. Site content changes will be suggested if we think it will improve your rankings. Finally, we manually submit your site to the major search engines and directories.

Site Promote 2

When you submit your web site to search engines, you're doing so based on your assessment of how visitors will find it, and at best, you can only make an educated guess of that process. After your site has been up for 3 months, Quality Programming will give your site a keyword shake-up to reflect the actual keywords people are using to find your site. It's SitePromote I all over again, but tuned to improve your ranking on those new keywords and most importantly, your traffic.

Site Submit

For do-it-yourselfers, a Quality Programming shortcut to submitting your site to the major search engines and directories! This section of our site contains links to the - Add URL - sections of the major internet portals. We highly recommend that you manually enter your site here before using any other services. First of all, it's FREE. Many services, and primarily the good ones, charge by the number of pages to be submitted. At our Site Submit section, you can enter all of the pages from your site for free. Secondly, most search engines and directories place daily limits on the number of sites a submission service may enter, thus delaying, possibly for weeks, your site's listing. We've tested this with our clients, too. To date, no submission service has listed any of clients faster than a manual entry from a link in Site Submit.


Submit-It is by far the most comprehensive and reliable submission service on the internet.

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